Monday, December 28, 2009

Keeping Mother Keberaksaraan Newspaper Woman

Almost an hour passed, the white paper in front of Pure (44 th) still looks empty. That day, citizens learn to Teaching and Learning Activity Center (PKBM) "Pandavas" Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) is an exercise to write a personal experience for people to learn later the wall appeared in the magazine called "Koran Mother".

Whereas the tasks assigned by the tutors is relatively simple. Pure and friends to learn other people were asked to write personal experience after reading and writing.

"It's hard not to write anything ... confused. Shame the words wrong, can only be fragmentary," he said when Yani, one tutor PKBM tried with him.

Pure eventually finished article, even if only a single sentence: "I'm happy to read and write". While the other study, Masniah (48 th) even writes: "Glad to read and write".

Pure and Masniah just one of dozens of residents learned that functional literacy is considered to have passed the literacy skills to read, write and count. Although he was already fairly mature, but in fact read and write control recently acquired.

For six months, Pure with mothers who live around these PKBM every afternoon or evening routine tasks completed as housewives or trading in the market, they followed the learning and skills training of the tutors.

"The ability to read and write people learn not to be imagined as school students can direct formal smoothly and sentence to spell or read well," said Elly Setiawati Ni Nyoman, S. Pd, manager PKBM Pandavas.

Elly said, literacy learning citizens who have passed the equivalent of first class students and two primary schools (SD), so the need to continuously trained to increase their capabilities.

"From the experience of the existing reading and writing skills that have been obtained easily lost. Therefore, the presence of mothers and teenage dropouts in PKBM not just learn but we also offer weaving skills, salon, sewing and we also encouraged to go to space Reading Park corner, "he said.

PKBM Pandavas did have a series of interesting programs. Among Business Study Group (KBU), Park Reading Society (TBM), and the program "Newspapers Mother" which is a means of studying the interaction among the residents.

"The results of the simple work of writing a brief or just one or two sentences when the magazine posted on the wall had made them proud. Aapalagi we have a plan to print like a simple paper forms to be distributed to the residents learn that they can show family and friends them, "he said.

Mother newspapers today become one of the innovation program of Directorate of Education Directorate Community Education Non-Formal and Informal (PNFI) MONE to maintain continuity of learning keberaksaraan residents not to "lose" in the middle of the road.

Director of Public Education Ministry of National Education Directorate General PNFI Ella recognizes constraints Yulaelawati illiteracy eradication of the population aged 15-44 years is mostly from remote and rural ethnic, while the macro constraints are residents aged 45 years and over which the majority are women.

"The issue is due to lack of motivation to learn and physical problems," he said. To overcome these obstacles, Yulaelawati Ella said, using the approach through women's empowerment programs, such as newspaper publishing as a medium for writing mother of women, by women, and for women.

"Parents and adults obtain materials from their own, so do not feel digurui. Please give them an appreciation of her own, and then published in the newspaper she even in a simple format and should not be imagined as real newspaper look," he said.

Newspaper mother, according to Ella you do not aim to discriminate against women. But the data prove the rest of illiterate people in the country the majority are women.


As many as 70 percent of illiterate people aged over 45 years. Illiteracy still affects the world. Based on the record of Education Organization, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), one in five adults in the world, experiencing illiteracy. There are 776 million adults in the world capable of low literacy. Two-thirds of that number are women.

While the rest of illiterate people in Indonesia today, which is about eight million people, as much as 76 percent of the population aged 45 years and over which the majority are women.

PNFI Director General of National Education Ministry, Hamid Mohammed said from this year illiteracy eradication program is no longer just count the numbers and percentage figures in accordance with the Strategic Plan achievements, but more than that the program adopted Literacy Initiative for Empowerment (LIFE) initiated by UNESCO.

This program is intended for countries that rate high blind script. "Indonesia has only signed on to implement the third stage (program) together with China and other countries," he said.

The core of this program is that the illiteracy eradication program should be empowered and able to give enlightenment and empowerment to the community. Not just literacy, but literacy effort after the efforts of her empowerment is economic empowerment for welfare.

"Empowerment in social and cultural fields in order to preserve the social aspects of culture and communality that developed in the community, including in conserving the environment," he said.

Eradication of illiteracy will be focused on the 142 districts blind script numbers above five percent. Another focus is to deal with specific communities such as the Bedouin community and the empowerment of women.

Some best practices illiteracy eradication programs such as conducted in Karawang regency, West Java province with the creative innovation literacy programs system 32 days to read, write, and calculate, will also be developed.

"The system was developed in Karachi will be adopted by the West Nusa Tenggara. All the districts in NTB will adopt," he said.

Currently illiteracy eradication efforts focus on basic literacy programs coupled with skills program. This strategy for those aged 45 years and over felt that literacy would be useful for life.

"A challenge to persuade the mothers and fathers to continue their education. Therefore, by learning to read and write they should feel no immediate benefit that could be useful for their lives," said Ella. (Zita Meirina)

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