Friday, April 9, 2010

Must-storey house is not Expensive

Storey house has not always been an expensive cost. Why is that ...? Naturally, these questions arise because the unimaginable in your mind is on-storey house that often you see clearly requires a lot of building materials. Slightly against the flow, because you will not build-storey house as usual most people in Indonesia to build a house bertingkatnya. Storey house we used to see now is a plate-storey house 2nd floor was made of cast reinforced concrete floor to have a floor space of at least 4:00 his feet and often blocks or concrete Dag + 3:00 meters away from the 2nd floor. While you will storey house design / build is the distance floornya enough floor to 3:20 m and the ring beam on the floor 2 feet away + 1:50. We use the space formed by the slope of the roof so that everything we make will be efficient. May recall in our memory some time ago had become the home design trends that ceiling follows the roof. The main purpose of design is how to achieve a comfortable temperature inside the house that was made a high ceiling and follow the slope of the roof. However, this trend could be said to disappear because a problem arises and how difficult it troublesome treatment to replace a broken light bulb. Storey house design that we do utilize the space formed by the slope of the roof and in order to create enough space relieved that we will raise the floor above the ring beam at l uar approximately 1:50 meters. 1. Is the room comfortable on the ground floor? Many people ask this question, because they see the floor to floor distance was only 3:20 meters and is certainly a low ceiling would be too. The answer: If viewed from the comfort temperature, the temperature-storey house on the ground floor is certainly much cooler than the upstairs because it was blocked by the upper floor. Ceiling height of 2.80 meters is not a low ceiling when compared with the body of Indonesian society that has an average height 170 cm. Have you noticed that the ceiling height in the hotel room or corridors? Average only 2.80 meters. Comfortable is not it? And in the era of 80's, the design of our homes generally have a height limit so as well.
2. How does the solution to the upstairs room for comfort? The emergence of such questions as seen from the picture above, because the ceiling look low, and certainly will feel the heat ... To address this question is worth preview function room upstairs. From the design we recommend the upstairs function devoted to the bedroom. Proper selection of materials for roof covering materials is the most appropriate actions to realize the upstairs room became uncomfortable. We recommend to use a ceramic tile roof material, because the ceramic tile is very efficient to reduce the heat. Besides ceramic tiles can also muffle the sound of heavy rain and this is very much difference if you use materials made from metal roofs or zincalum. To obtain a good aesthetic you are using flat ceramic tile. It is slightly larger investment than ordinary ceramic tiles, but if you are truly designing your house properly and correctly, then the value of your investment that you put in the house will be paid by the comfort and satisfaction with what you have. And there's one thing that sometimes we often forget that the majority of the population in Indonesia for the bedroom is almost certainly wearing Air Conditioner (AC). Well .., by following the above design plus the use of appropriate roof materials will be more relief work AC compressor automatically fore you have to save money.
3. What kind of construction is applied to multilevel homes safer and less costly? To obtain maximum results, you better use of wood construction. With artikata later on your home floor is a wood floor manufacturing. Many people argue that the wooden construction is much more expensive than concrete slabs. The answer can not, when you see your whole house is. For example;

* The foundation that you apply to your home certainly much cheaper than the foundation used in reinforced concrete-storey house. Maybe you still remember the foundations of houses on stilts or a traditional house that use only the foundation base / password. In principle, if your building is reliant on the hard ground of your home are not guaranteed to be buried.
* If you use a wood floor manufacturing on the floor above, then you are saving the cost ceiling for the ground floor. You do not need to doubt the possibility of water seeping from the ground up, because the manufacturing of wood floors are now made with advanced technology as well as system installation and the estimated finish no possibility of leaks.
* Savings on sanitation. Because to put the position on the bathroom floor right above must be in a position downstairs bathroom.

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