Monday, December 28, 2009

New Planet Abundant Water

The discovery of "world tirta" new (the same planet Earth is abundant water) which mengorbiti one star within 40 light years became the first known planets like Earth and make people become close enough to sniff the atmosphere, astronomers said as quoted by the journal Nature.

Named GJ 1214b, the size of this planet is only about 2.7 times the size of planet Earth with a mass about 6.5 times heavier than Earth.

Based on the weight of its kind, scientists thought GJ 1214b contains 3 / 4 water liquid with a solid core of iron and nickel as well as hydrogen and helium atmosphere, which is similar to the Earth.

But in many other ways, this planet is a "cruel animal very different" from the Earth we live, the scientists said.

"Basically this is a vast ocean," said principal investigator David Charbonneau of the Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

"(On this planet) not a single continent that floats on top or up from the water."

More than that, GJ 1214b hotter than the Earth and the atmosphere ten times thicker than our planet, the researchers said.

This may make it difficult to live any way we know so far. For starters, the atmospheric pressure against the surface of the planet is a huge and very little light through the mist difficult to achieve the planet's oceans.

New planet like Earth is still very strange.

Super-Earth planet was discovered only by using MEarth project, a small telescope device unit based on Earth that is used to detect changes from minute to minute from the power light red stars dim nan called M dwarfs (dwarf stars).

Periodic Kelipan can starlight caused by planets transiting or separately around the stars. Since M dwarfs dwarf stars is more opaque than stars like the Sun, it becomes easier to trace the light power reduction caused by the planets the size of Earth's smaller mass.

1214b GJ Although not directly visible, the change must be in the starlight due to trace his journey, allowing astronomers to measure the size and mass of the planet, which will offer clues to the planet's composition.

And because the world tirta so close to Earth, according to Charbonneau, optical telescope based in space like the Hubble or the day Kepler can be used to sniff out the chemical content of the atmosphere must be similar to Earth's planet.

"A number of the light from the star through the atmosphere that dwarf planets similar to Earth are (such as sunlight through the Earth), and attached to the features of atoms and molecules there anything," said Charbonneau.

Overall, this discovery is "a milestone achievement" that could close the gap in the scientific planetologi, said Greg Laughin, astrophysics scientists at the University of California, Santa Cruz, who was not involved in the study.

"I always imagined as if the form of a planetary mass of the Earth six times that. Now we know. Planet is really very different from our solar system," said Laughlin. (*)

Source: National Geographic pages and journal Nature.
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Keeping Mother Keberaksaraan Newspaper Woman

Almost an hour passed, the white paper in front of Pure (44 th) still looks empty. That day, citizens learn to Teaching and Learning Activity Center (PKBM) "Pandavas" Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) is an exercise to write a personal experience for people to learn later the wall appeared in the magazine called "Koran Mother".

Whereas the tasks assigned by the tutors is relatively simple. Pure and friends to learn other people were asked to write personal experience after reading and writing.

"It's hard not to write anything ... confused. Shame the words wrong, can only be fragmentary," he said when Yani, one tutor PKBM tried with him.

Pure eventually finished article, even if only a single sentence: "I'm happy to read and write". While the other study, Masniah (48 th) even writes: "Glad to read and write".

Pure and Masniah just one of dozens of residents learned that functional literacy is considered to have passed the literacy skills to read, write and count. Although he was already fairly mature, but in fact read and write control recently acquired.

For six months, Pure with mothers who live around these PKBM every afternoon or evening routine tasks completed as housewives or trading in the market, they followed the learning and skills training of the tutors.

"The ability to read and write people learn not to be imagined as school students can direct formal smoothly and sentence to spell or read well," said Elly Setiawati Ni Nyoman, S. Pd, manager PKBM Pandavas.

Elly said, literacy learning citizens who have passed the equivalent of first class students and two primary schools (SD), so the need to continuously trained to increase their capabilities.

"From the experience of the existing reading and writing skills that have been obtained easily lost. Therefore, the presence of mothers and teenage dropouts in PKBM not just learn but we also offer weaving skills, salon, sewing and we also encouraged to go to space Reading Park corner, "he said.

PKBM Pandavas did have a series of interesting programs. Among Business Study Group (KBU), Park Reading Society (TBM), and the program "Newspapers Mother" which is a means of studying the interaction among the residents.

"The results of the simple work of writing a brief or just one or two sentences when the magazine posted on the wall had made them proud. Aapalagi we have a plan to print like a simple paper forms to be distributed to the residents learn that they can show family and friends them, "he said.

Mother newspapers today become one of the innovation program of Directorate of Education Directorate Community Education Non-Formal and Informal (PNFI) MONE to maintain continuity of learning keberaksaraan residents not to "lose" in the middle of the road.

Director of Public Education Ministry of National Education Directorate General PNFI Ella recognizes constraints Yulaelawati illiteracy eradication of the population aged 15-44 years is mostly from remote and rural ethnic, while the macro constraints are residents aged 45 years and over which the majority are women.

"The issue is due to lack of motivation to learn and physical problems," he said. To overcome these obstacles, Yulaelawati Ella said, using the approach through women's empowerment programs, such as newspaper publishing as a medium for writing mother of women, by women, and for women.

"Parents and adults obtain materials from their own, so do not feel digurui. Please give them an appreciation of her own, and then published in the newspaper she even in a simple format and should not be imagined as real newspaper look," he said.

Newspaper mother, according to Ella you do not aim to discriminate against women. But the data prove the rest of illiterate people in the country the majority are women.


As many as 70 percent of illiterate people aged over 45 years. Illiteracy still affects the world. Based on the record of Education Organization, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), one in five adults in the world, experiencing illiteracy. There are 776 million adults in the world capable of low literacy. Two-thirds of that number are women.

While the rest of illiterate people in Indonesia today, which is about eight million people, as much as 76 percent of the population aged 45 years and over which the majority are women.

PNFI Director General of National Education Ministry, Hamid Mohammed said from this year illiteracy eradication program is no longer just count the numbers and percentage figures in accordance with the Strategic Plan achievements, but more than that the program adopted Literacy Initiative for Empowerment (LIFE) initiated by UNESCO.

This program is intended for countries that rate high blind script. "Indonesia has only signed on to implement the third stage (program) together with China and other countries," he said.

The core of this program is that the illiteracy eradication program should be empowered and able to give enlightenment and empowerment to the community. Not just literacy, but literacy effort after the efforts of her empowerment is economic empowerment for welfare.

"Empowerment in social and cultural fields in order to preserve the social aspects of culture and communality that developed in the community, including in conserving the environment," he said.

Eradication of illiteracy will be focused on the 142 districts blind script numbers above five percent. Another focus is to deal with specific communities such as the Bedouin community and the empowerment of women.

Some best practices illiteracy eradication programs such as conducted in Karawang regency, West Java province with the creative innovation literacy programs system 32 days to read, write, and calculate, will also be developed.

"The system was developed in Karachi will be adopted by the West Nusa Tenggara. All the districts in NTB will adopt," he said.

Currently illiteracy eradication efforts focus on basic literacy programs coupled with skills program. This strategy for those aged 45 years and over felt that literacy would be useful for life.

"A challenge to persuade the mothers and fathers to continue their education. Therefore, by learning to read and write they should feel no immediate benefit that could be useful for their lives," said Ella. (Zita Meirina)
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Fats In Food Not Influence Weight Gain

People who want to maintain a healthy weight does not need to obsess about the consumption of fat in their diet, according to new research.

The percentage of calories derived from fat person, the opposite with protein and carbohydrates, do not have a relationship with their body weight a few years ahead, said the research team.

Type of fat they consume do not affect anything, so the findings of Dr Nita Forouhi Institute of Metabolic Science, Addenbrooke Hospital, Cambridge, England, and colleagues.

Findings, Forouhi said in an e-mail to Reuters Health, show that "more important to focus on lifestyle including healthy foods and healthy physical activity regularly, rather than concentrating only on fat consumption as a weight enhancer factor".

Role of foods that contain fat in obesity and weight gain is still a debate, said Forouhi and his team. In order to investigate the problem, they examined data on almost 90,000 men and women from six different countries participating in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition Study.

The development of all participants followed for 10 tahun.Rata average fat consumption ranged from 31.5 percent to 36.5 percent of the total number of calories. On average, the weight increased a quarter pounds each year.

Analysis that takes into account several factors not found an association between weight gain in the amount of fat they consume, or their consumption of polyunsaturated fat versus saturated fat.

These findings should not be viewed as showing that people can eat as much fat they want, Forouhi said.

"That's absurd, considering a lot of evidence already exists about the potential dangers of many foods high in saturated fats and trans fats for heart health, for example," the researchers said.

In the U.S., he says, advice on food stipulates that people should keep fat consumption, which is as much as 25 percent to 35 percent of calories, and eat fat "healthy" from fish, nuts, and vegetable oils instead of trans fats and saturated fat "unhealthy".

He added, "the healthiest way to avoid weight gain is to ensure that, when the time is right, the calories consumption is limited by reducing one's consumption of added sugar, fats, and alcohol, which all provide calories do not contain little or no basic nutrition.

The goal is to oversee the food portion sizes (so that the portion sizes of food consumed was increased from time to time), and at the same time people doing regular physical activity. (AntaraNews)
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Self-image Negotiator

In the negotiations that preceded penyelengaraan lobbying process, the parties to the negotiators need to understand the expression of behavior (behavioral modes) the other person or the other negotiators to try to interpret (Interpret) thoroughly cultural signs, both verbal and non-verbal, to be exchanged in cross-cultural encounter.

Such observation was related to behavioral style to express the fundamental differences between nations, like America and Europe (the West) against Asia (East). Asia in this case is the association of Southeast Asian nations (ASEAN) in 10 countries plus the three, namely China, Japan and South Korea.

Observers can observe that how the nations of Asia make sense of time (just in time) without haste and space thinking, social openness and respect for older traditions (Elders) against the behavior and attitudes of Western perspective. Asian nations, except those already westernized, still have the power to promote the desire to keep social harmony.

Asian approach that is inherent (built-in) with different self-image system with the Americans and Europeans lived. For example, the Western world culture glorifies guilt (guilt culture) negiosator opponent, while Asian cultures actually live up to shame (shame culture) in search of consensus (win-win solution).

Then, what the essence of negotiation? Negotiation is a process of determining the relationship between the parties involved, and not a bossy model with all the tricks of engineering pressed in different ways unethical opponent negotiator. Negotiation is a process of interaction that takes (not wasteful of time) based on the agreement will get the mind (meeting of minds).

Core Asian business organization is the family business initially and over time there is already experiencing succession. Depart from the basic characteristics, then all parties witnessed the power of business operations and management with team collaboration (guanxi) and attach trust attitude (shinyung in China or a trust in English) which is grown through a tradition of and interaction with the environment in which they operate.

Although the foundation is a small Asian businesses owned by families and grow into medium and large scale, in their mindset to reach / extend the opportunities existing market segments with a conscience and an attitude of view would not disrupt a competitor or a fellow businessman.

With the progress of society, then all parties can take advantage of hardware products and software information technology (cell phones, Internet, Facebook), technology, production processes and transportation technologies. It's just that, all parties will also feel the urge persists appreciate the time, but not in the sense of quick-fix to expand the business into medium and large scale.

In Asia there is still value face behavior and not arrogant in a way "squeeze" or yelling at the other person in the negotiations. Appreciating "face" is an Asian culture that can not be eliminated by making fear opponent negotiator. Show courtesy, respect opinions and views, and patience in the spoken-word with a fixed value of efficiency, flexibility is a form of appreciation is expected to partner / opponent negotiator. Patient's attitude in the sense of "patience is a virtue" (patience is a virtue) is a unique.

When in Japan, the parties when they interact with each other even with the leaders of business organizations will be available when the meaning of "just-in-time" according to an agreed length of time prior to a dialogue without them being in a hurry.

A number of literature ancient China recorded a number of characteristics of successful negotiators by developing the following approaches: 1. zhi (virtue), 2. xin (credibility), 3. ren (personal responsibility), 4. yong (fortitude), and 5. yan (discipline)

Each negotiator, both experienced and new, in this case should continue to recognize and appreciate the meaning of the five characters the humanistic style of China, among others, by utilizing information technology as required negotiation stages.

In essence, the negotiators need to understand the characteristics of a certain character such as a human being, and not a bossy with psychological pressure and physical unethical. In other words, they must also dare to shed the characteristics of the past full of intrigue, or dishonesty, and because the greatest ass to get it over beyond the stages of negotiations with Western-style cheating. China gives the sage advice: "Dare to look in the mirror every morning for 60 seconds before breakfast, and sued in the mirror honestly and not in a hurry."

Asia is entering the era of increasingly many observers and Western negotiators and perpetrators of Asia, which absorbed the full weight kebaratan education, began to realize the positive meaning of the humanistic character of these Asian and not Asian basically ilusi.Manusia always longed for harmony and not being a god without human weaknesses.

This is also the challenge of Indonesian negotiators in the process of social negotiation and business in an era of increasingly dynamic Asia, which entered in 2010, with no trace of arrogance only Western-style attitudes of view. (Bob Widyahartono M.A.)
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Free Trade Area/ FTA

Year 2010, the domestic market will be increasingly inundated with technology goods from the outside, as the enforcement of free trade areas (free trade area / FTA) between Asean manufactured products to China.

A number of business associations such as the Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) to actors in the SME sector enterprise (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) requested FTA agreement with China was postponed.

"Not a single Indonesian products in the manufacturing sector that could hit the market in China. In fact, precisely the opposite is true, we are going to increasingly become a market," said the chairman of Apindo Sofjan Wanandi.

Indonesia's ability to export into China market is in the field of raw materials or raw materials such as natural resources of gas, coal, or oil palm, while for products to be considered helpless.

Powerlessness against China it's been a long time. And FTA only confirmed the raid Indonesia helplessness manufactured goods, not only from China, but also from developed countries including the neighboring countries of ASEAN.

One Who?

Is there something wrong with the scientists and researchers in the country due to calm the nation deal with the powerlessness of this constant?

Secretary of State Ministry of Research and Technology Lakitan Benjamin admitted that not much research in the country, adopted by the industry and that people prefer to buy goods and technology from abroad.

"A lot of research in the country who do not salable, it could be because many technology products whose development is not oriented to the real needs of society," he admitted.

He asserted that it was not 100 percent wrong if more people chose technology from abroad, because the technology of vacuum in the country.

According to him, there are often differences in definitions of `anything-that-useful` between the researchers and industry, plus researchers are often preoccupied itself and not sensitive enough to the real problems and needs.

Meanwhile, Deputy Assistant Diffusion and Dissemination of State Ministry of Research Science and Technology, Santoso Yudo Warsono, remain optimistic in 2010 and welcomed the importance of innovation to increase the added value of export commodities.

"The need to innovate can not be separated from the conditions of our export commodities are still dominated by products of raw materials or intermediate goods. In fact, if the product will be processed first increase added value," he said.

According to him, actually had hundreds of innovations that have been developed by universities, R & D institutions such as BPPT, LIPI, Batan, industry, and even the general public, who are ready to be applied in the production sector.

"Whether in an effort to increase efficiency in poduksi processes, improve product quality, even to provide added value from natural raw materials with new product development," he said.

Examples of innovations that potentially penetrate the world market is what has been produced by Linawati Hardjito from IPB that has been developed to extract, process, use and formulation of mangrove seeds as a sunscreen active ingredients.

"The potential of our natural resources that one is often forgotten, but our society is traditionally much use of mangrove seeds to protect from the sun," he said.

Although it still needs some improvements like aroma that is preferred by consumers, but the results of this innovation has been targeted by foreign companies from Germany, he said.

In addition, any current BPPT has produced many innovations that not only can replace imported products in the country but also a market abroad, one of which is the Floating Pipe of Natural Rubber.(Dewanti Lestari)
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Women In Business With Heart

Women do have a distinctive touch that is different from men. Touch with feelings from the heart. World Bank assessing companies owned by women grew faster than the business carried on a man.

One of the benefits of women is a tendency to manage money well and not corruption, said Minister of Trade Mari Elka Pangestu.

"At the age of 13-18 years is an important period in the life of women to get their rights to education and access to businesses, thus women will be able to reduce poverty," he said answering a Stanford University student who came to Jakarta.

Ministry of Women Empowerment record of 46 million micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) is known approximately 60 percent of managers are women.

With a considerable amount of it, the role of women entrepreneurs become large enough for economic survival, because it can create jobs, provide goods and services cheaply and overcome poverty.

His business, women entrepreneurs manage their business with care so that the potential to be greater in the credit repayment discipline.

In fact, the repayment rates of women's businesses reach nearly 100 percent. Therefore, women are the potential and the assets in nation-building.

Doing business with the heart
Femina Group chairman, Svida Alisjahbana, said that most women entrepreneurs start their businesses with the heart, based on pleasure or personal interest, so be great.

"Many women entrepreneurs are in business not to enrich themselves. In the course of their business, both naturally and with full awareness, sharing, devoting attention to social, as well as humanity, and the environment," he said.

Based on his observations, has been generally women entrepreneurs to start business from pleasure or personal interests as a hobby that evolved into a professional business.

He saw a young woman with an age range 25 to 40 years have a lot of creativity to start a business in accordance with their interests. That is, according to a motor Svida Indonesian women's empowerment.

According to him, the business or businesses that can develop, usually beginning with a passion, who lived with his heart. Femina noticed a lot of women entrepreneurs in the travel business, naturally, and with full awareness to share, and energy devoted to the extraordinary, to do things in a social, humanitarian and environment.

Two successful women entrepreneurs who do business with the heart is Suzy Hutomo (CEO of The Body Shop Indonesia) and Susi Pudjiastuti (owners of seafood processing plants and airlines Susi Air).

Suzy Hutomo with her husband pioneered the business of taking a license under cosmetic products and body care home eco-friendly English. Now he built his own business empire by opening 52 outlets in cosmetics, five department stores, six restaurants and a health food supermarket semiwaralaba.

Not only proficient in business, Suzy had committed businessmen to the environment. As a Board Member of Greenpeace Southeast Asia and Indonesia Climate Project Advisor, Suzy eloquently explained about global climate change and its implications. Green lifestyle is also applied in the office, so the company became the winner of Jakarta Green Office 2009.

Femina two businessmen were invited to share stories with other women entrepreneurs in business discussions with themes of inspiration Doing Business With a Heart held in commemoration of Mother's Day.

Around 200 women entrepreneurs whose businesses Femina observed in the last three years to gather, share information, experiences and build networks, and listen to inspirational efforts of the two successful businessmen.

Growing rapidly
In a report the world's leading consulting firm, Ernst & Young, in the United States, the number of women who start their own business recorded more than twice as men.

Based on research from the Center for Women `s Business, women in the U.S. has created more than 23 million jobs, or about 16 percent of all employment in the country.

In Indonesia, the community of women entrepreneurs has increased rapidly, at least it was also recorded in Femina magazine readers data from Nielsen. In 2009 was about 15 percent of the community of readers is an entrepreneurial magazine. The figure includes 80 percent of readers who become women worked.

However, rapid development is not without obstacles. So far the women entrepreneurs in Indonesia often have difficulties in access to capital, mostly related to their status as wives.

Chairman of the Indonesian Business Women Association (IWAPI) Rina Fahmi Idris, shortly after the election in November and said that when women are large-scale entrepreneurs, especially micro, small, and medium (SMEs) applying for a loan for working capital or fixed investment should be through the knowledge of her husband.

"That's the difficulty. Therefore, the future we will make a collective loan to help overcome the problem of capital access," he said.

Most members IWAPI that about 40,000 people are SMEs managers and only two per cent which is a big business. To further encourage the growth of women entrepreneurs in Indonesia, Rice said IWAPI will hold Upper Level High School (high school) to build the entrepreneurial spirit early on.

"The mindset of school children should be changed. No more, they think after school looking for work which, but think what started the business," he said.

Therefore, IWAPI, he said, will teach the students create a business plan and inspire them to produce a marketable goods.

Currently, Indonesia has a population of more than 230 million people with the percentage of women of 49.9 percent. It shows great potential to involve women in the economic field.(Eko Listyorini)
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Temple on Campus UII

The workers have never guessed when digging the foundations for the library building Indonesian Islamic University (UII) Yogyakarta on Friday (10/12) they found a carved stone thought to be part of the temple structure.

They then reported to the then leader UII pause library development projects to provide opportunities for Archeological Heritage Conservation Center (BP3) Yogyakarta to investigate the existence of the temple structure.

According to observers from the University Sarjanawiyata culture Tamansiswa (UST) Prof. Ki Supriyoko Yogyakarta, if the structure is found in the temple that UII campus Km 14 Jalan Kaliurang actually an ancient temple would be part of the body whose existence was cultural reserves protected by law (Act ).

"If the ancient temples found in the UII campus is truly a thing of our cultural conservation will be happy to complete the nation's civilization. All this time our nation has had hundreds of ancient temples which become objects heritage," he said.

Currently the BP3 Yogyakarta in cooperation with UII was researching more about the findings of the ancient temple structure and in the near future as soon gained certainty "kecandian" and "conservatism" of the findings was relatively surprising.

UII on these findings as a higher education institution that cares for the interests of the nation fully supports efforts to protect cultural artifacts, including the building of the temple is believed to be at the construction site that the university central library.

"UII as an institution of higher education greatly appreciate heritage, and hope to avoid damage to the heritage buildings," said Rector Prof. Edy UII Suandi Hamid.

Therefore, while the development process is stopped and UII invited a team of archaeologists from BP3 Yogyakarta to conduct further research.

In addition, since the discovery of the temple UII has tightened security around the site as an effort to anticipate the number of people who want to see the location.

"The security we mean to avoid the things that are not desired. People still given the chance to see the location," he said.

Rector hoped that the research process, identification, and location of the discovery of the temple excavation can take place not in a long time.

"The sooner the process of research by BP3 Yogyakarta, then the sooner we determine the relevant decisions central library building," he said.

Ancient Mataram
Following up the discovery team BP3 Yogyakarta lowered further to investigate and conduct the excavation. Until now the results of new excavations found 16 pieces of stone of the temple.

Excavations also discovered Ganesh statue measuring 52 cm with a height of pile soil around 42 cm-yoni and phallus size of 67x67 cm. Linga diameter 16 cm and 30 cm long.

In addition, also found relief on the wall flower padma entrance to the inner right corner attached to the land that has not been excavated.

"The discovery of Ganesh statue shows that the temple is a Hindu temple. However, we still could not compare the old with the Prambanan Temple as many different things like the side of the ornament," said Chairman of the excavation team BP3 Yogyakarta Goon Panca Putra.

According to him, the temple was more modest views of the ornament. Simplicity is not separated from its function in the past, the economic status of surrounding communities, and human resources that make the region.

Despite its more modest charm of Yogyakarta BP3 could not be sure of the temple found on the campus UII older than Prambanan temple. Moreover, in the region has not been found inscriptions that can show it.

He said, from the ornaments, hair that looked at the statue of Ganesh at Prambanan curled and crowned three levels, while the temple on the campus UII wearing a bun with two ties.

"Since the inscription has not been found to be safer while calling it a relic temple ancient Mataram. With the inscription could have revealed details of time of the temple and who may also be a ruling king," he said.(Bambang Sutopo Hadi)
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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Phenomenon Cycle 11 Annual 2012

A researcher from the Institute of Aviation and Space Agency (Lapan) said the phenomenon of increased solar activity which, according to Mayan prophecy occurred in 2012 not to worry much less connected with the Day of Resurrection.

Researchers in astronomy and astrophysicist Institute of Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan) recently confirmed as a research professor Dr. Thomas Djamaluddin Indonesia MSc, Wednesday, said there was nothing special about natural phenomena that since 2012 only 11-year cycle of increased solar activity.

"The phenomenon of the horrendous 2012 more people began with Mayan prophecies, not from scientific reasons. If then there is a scientific reason for the phenomenon of what in 2012? But it is more precisely expressed not science," Thomas said after confirmed as a research professor at the office Lapan Jakarta.

According to Thomas, the phenomenon of peak solar activity previously estimated to occur in 2011, but its minimum point shifts so that estimated to occur in 2012. However, even now there is another shift that probably occurred in 2013.

Naturally, firm Thomas, nothing special because it is a 11-year cycle. "The last occurred in 1989 and then in 2000, and later in 2012 or 2013 will happen again."

People then worry about solar storms, but there will be no dahyat solar storms that cause severe impacts.

Solar storms on the Earth is essentially a phenomenon that often occurs not only when the sun reaches the peak of activity, but when the activity began to rise to fall again remained solar storms.

That means it happened more frequency at the peak. However, according to Thomas, the greatest strength is not necessarily at the top. Often the most powerful precisely after the peak.

"Tell me what happened next summit in 2000, but solar activity is greatest, the most powerful exactly happened in 2003," he said.

The discussion of this phenomenon of solar activity is also growing, which is then connected again with as if there will be a comet collision.

"It's also no evidence of astronomy. There is no information or estimates there will be a large comet that hit Earth in 2012. Then there was more to the planet Nibiru estimate, when the planet Nibiru is not known in astronomy," explains Thomas.

Various discussions of the phenomenon of 2012, as if based on the theory of astronomy there asteroit will hit the earth, have absolutely no basis or no astronomical reason.

"So, basically, more of 2012 concerns related to the interpretation of Mayan prophecy, and by the chairman of the Maya themselves have stated that 2012 was not final and it was the turn of the common calendar items," he said.

According to Thomas, the impact of solar storms generated by solar particles and sparks causing the magnetic field so far only affects the existence of satellites in orbit and the electrical transformer network facilities.

Solar storms can cause an induction into the electrical network facilities, causing overload and can cause transformers to explode or burn.(AntaraNews)
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