Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dubai Crisis Exploded

Abu Dhabi, a prosperous city which became the capital of United Arab Emirates, will be careful selecting step how to help the emirate neighbors who are in debt, Dubai, according to a senior official of the UAE, following the emergence of concerns that the failure to pay Dubai a more volatile global markets.

"We will respect the commitments of Dubai and approach them on a case by case. That does not mean that Abu Dhabi would cover the debts of Dubai," the official said the UAE government in Abu Dhabi told Reuters by telephone.

Dubai crisis exploded, Wednesday and then, when one of the emirs of the UAE, known for his style of "well" and has the tallest building in the world, revealed to delay payment of a debt the parent company that has angered investors and the global market crash.

Selective assistance to companies incorporated in the "Dubai Inc.," A network of industries and a half sovereign, rather than by providing open, will make investors less turbulent because of their many years konervatif rate regime succeeded in Abu Dhabi provide a safety net to neighbors who are troubled.

"A number of entities in Dubai and semi-private form of government. Abu Dhabi will be carefully selected, when and where to be helped," said the official who declined to identity because it has no right to convey information to the media.

Current concern is funding U.S. $ 59 billion in government debt which is controlled by the parent company of Dubai World and Nakheel properties business arm, which is the developer of palm tree-studded island for rich celebrities.

Dubai's Nakheel postpone debt payments up to six months in advance, through an announcement that surprised many people, a few days after a national long weekend.

World leaders including British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Prime Minister Francois Fillon said France gobal economy is heading towards recovery after two years of financial crisis, is now strong enough to face these shocks.

As a result, the market began to recover, after banks outside the Gulf region said that they did not terpengarh by the debt crisis of Dubai.

India is a tax of 10-12 percent of its workers in the UAE, said it would continue memantai situation in Dubai, but Dubai's hope the crisis does not affect the country.

In the Gulf region itself, the details of the debt exposure of local banks in Dubai started to open to the public.

Years in business hunting wild Dubai property business, making the banks of Abu Dhabi to put its debt exposure in companies based in Dubai at least 30 percent of the total distribution of debt, senior bankers said in Abu Dhabi on Friday.

In the eyes of investors, the question is not whether Abu Dhabi will help Dubai, but rather to help when and how it performed.

Abu Dhabi, which controls 90 percent of the oil fields that make the UAE the third oil exporter in the world, has allocated about 15 billion dollars for indirect aid to Dubai by UAE central bank and two private banks in Abu Dhabi.

How much assistance is provided to neighboring Abu Dhabi, which is in debt, will depend on how Dubai to explain his attitude toward the questions that can not handle.

"Until everything is clear, it is very difficult to make a decision to invest further in bonds. Many things must be explained Dubai," said the UAE's official.


UAE central bank revealed that they continue to look at all developments to ensure none of the efforts that could damage the national economy, said a spokesman for the UAE central bank said Sunday.

"The central bank was monitoring the developments with great care to ensure that no negative impact on UAE economy," the spokesman told Reuters by telephone.

Constitutionally, each Emirate or the emirate (state) in the UAE is a separate legal entity in a loose federation, and each control of natural resources and finances.

The federal government is not a guaranteed entry into the sources of that power, nor the right to take on debt-emirates emirates that.

As part of the restructuring program of Dubai, investors have been informed of the breakdown of sukuk bonds pay 3.5 billion dollars worth of U.S. property developer Nakheel, which will mature on December 14 the future.

Dubai World debt reached 59 billion U.S. dollars as of August 2009, making Dubai a maximum total debt reached 80 billion U.S. dollars.

Credit exposure of international banks in the relevant institutions of Dubai World could reach 12 billion U.S. dollars, in the form of syndicated debt and bilateral loans, said a banking source told Thomson Reuters LPC.

Statement of the Dubai government is expected later on Monday delivered, when the market reopened after the long holiday Eid al-Adha. (AntaraNews)
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Not Perfect Be Perfect

Loss of sight does not kill the spirit and the confidence of a middle-aged man is to live life and be a man that will benefit the surrounding environment.

That KH Zuhana Aan (67), former Central Executive Council Ketuan Blind Association of Indonesian Muslim (ITMI), which is also known as a preacher and motivator for the blind.

"In life, I always hold the principle that I should become a useful human being, not only for ourselves but for those around me, too," said the man who was born Ciamis, November 29, in May 1942 that past.

Although not able to see, unyielding spirit that makes him feel grateful to the limited physical condition, but has the ideal high like a normal person who can use their sense of vision.

Spirit and principle of life Aan Zuhana KH, ditularkannya to the blind through study activities every single week.

"Every single week, I have always held lectures on the Road rutinan special Hergamanah for blind people," he said.

In addition to study materials such as discussion of hadith and Quran, he also inserts motivational material for the blind live.

According to him, the study conducted by himself, considered as the event Hospitality and share life experiences among the blind.

"It could gather instruction is for my own happiness and my congregation," he met at his residence, at Jalan Masjid Parmindo Trowulan IV, City Cimahi.

He considered, one of the priceless investment in life is that if we want to share knowledge with others.

"I believe, that we want different with our knowledge to others, it is a valuable investment in life," said the father of five children of this.

In providing the motivation to live to the blind, KH Aan always include religious values in it.

"Islam always teaches kindness to all people, including them (the blind)," he said.

Realized by the blind, the presence of ITMI has given significant support for them.

"The blind do have limitations, but if so then we just kept quiet. But Islamic science must be known by every Muslim as a way of life," he said.

He hopes, with the guidance provided for the blind, they are able to contribute from what is owned in this life.

Until now, the 400 people who tunananetra and nurtured by ITMI Jabar, there are those who have jumped to preach.

KH Aan admit that one of the major difficulties in life as a blind is in the fetch fortune from Allah SWT.

In general, blind people in Indonesia working as a masseuse. However, thanks to the guidance made by himself, some blind people have also become teachers and other work as a musician, singer, interpreter mission, even civil servants (PNS).

Himself believed that by maximizing the capabilities possessed by a person, including the blind, the challenges of life can be passed.

"God is never in vain in creating mahkluknya, including the blind. Memfaatkan I believe with what we have and can maximize the potential for self-owned, we can go through trials of life. That's what I instill in my students,"

He hopes, the blind in Indonesia to maintain his self-confidence despite its limitations.

"I want the blind remained confident and it is not impossible to him if one day later the 'literate' demanded by the blind," said KH Aan. (AntaraNews)
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How My Skin Hear

Skin heard? It sounds absurd, but a new study proves, humans not only hear with your ears, but also through the skin.

The findings are based on the experiment. Experiment participants were asked to listen to any syllable air blowing on their skin, and their brains will receive and integrate information from different senses to create a picture of the situation around.

Together with other work recently, the research throws the traditional view of how people interpret the world in their heads.

"(It) is very different from more traditional opinion, which is based on the fact that we have eyes so we think we are seeing the visible information, and we have ears so we thought ourselves to hear the information that can be heard. That's a bit misleading," Researchers said the study Gick Bryan from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, to the writer Jeanna Bryner LiveScience

"The more likely explanation is that we have a brain and not feel we have eyes that see and ears that hear." With such capabilities, Gick sees man as "sensitive machines throughout the body," Bryner said pages.

The study, funded by the "Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada" and "National Institutes of Health", specified in the journal Nature, published 26 November.

Gick's work is built on a variety of past studies showing, for example, "we can see the light and heard a voice", even if we knew it by accident. Other studies show "if you watch someone's lips moving and thought someone else was talking, the sense of hearing in the area of your brain will glow," Gick said.

Many scientists have explained the bow of such sensing as a result of experience, "when we see and hear people talk all the time so naturally to know how to integrate what we see with what we heard".

The choice will be the ability traits. And thus Gick and his partner Donald Derrick, who is also from the University of Brititsh Columbia, studied the two senses are not generally in pairs - hearing and touch - to find out the base of perception.

How skin heard

The team focused on the spoken voice with the blast, such as "pa" and "ta" which involves a blast of air that can not be heard when spoken, and unspoken voices in blast, such as "ba" and "da".

Participants who closed his eyes listening to the recorded voice told him that each of the four syllables and have to press buttons to indicate which sound they hear ( "pa, ta, ba, or da").

All participants were divided to three groups comprising 22 people, and one group listening while syllables blowing air is forced into their hands, the other air blown into their neck, and the monitors listening to the sound without blowing air.

As many as 10 percent of the time when the air exhaled into the skin, all participants received erroneously spoken syllables without blowing the same air as that spoken by the air blast. So, when people say "ba", participants will indicate they heard the sound "pa".

Monitoring groups showed no such misperception.

A further experiment when participants tapped the skin and not get a breath of air showed no mixed between the spoken voice with and without blowing air.

Next, Gick collaboration with scientists from the University of California, San Francisco, to find out how the brain allowing the integration of many such senses.(AntaraNews)
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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ice disappearing from the South Pole Faster

Layer of ice in East Antarctica, once seen mostly unaffected by global warming, has lost billions of tons of ice since 2006 and could push sea water level rise in the future, according to a new study.

The study, published in Nature Geoscience, Sunday, ice shows a smaller but less stable in West Antarctica is losing so much mass.

Scientists are worried that rising global temperatures could spark rapid division of West Antarctica, the frozen water to keep pushing the global ocean surface as high as five meters.

In 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel for the UN climate change (IPCC) predicts sea levels will rise 18 to 59 centimeters in 2100 at the latest, but that estimate does not include the impact of ice began to crack in Greenland and Antarctica.

Today, many scientists say the same even if emissions of CO2, which traps heat, restricted, surface ocean water is more likely to rise about three feet, enough to make some small island states can not damage the habitable and fertile delta of the habitat of hundreds of millions of creatures .

More than 190 countries gathered in Copenhagen, in December, to design a climate change agreement to curb greenhouse gases and help poor countries cope with the consequences.

Lecturer University of Texas Jianli Chen and colleagues for almost seven years menganalisi ice ocean interactions in the Antarctic.

The data, which includes the period up to January 2009, collected by the two GRACE satellites, which detect the mass flow in the oceans and polar regions to measure changes in Earth's magnetic field.

In line with previous findings based on a variety of methods, they found that West Antarctica, on average, accumulating as much as 132 billion tons of ice into the sea every year, give or take 26 billion tons.

They also found that for the first time that East Antarctica, in the Eastern Hemisphere on the continent, is also losing mass, mostly in coastal areas, with a total area of about 57 billion tons per year.

The margin or error, they warned, almost as large as expected, which means the loss of ice can be a bit smaller than a few billion tons or more than 100 billion tons.

Setakat this, scientists have estimated that the East Antarctica "balanced", which means that accumulate as much mass and let it go, too, maybe even more.

"Thus, the rapid disappearance of added-ice in recent years throughout the continent can be known," concluded the authors reported the French news agency, AFP. "Antarctica may soon provide a much larger contribution to the increase in global sea levels."

One other study published last week in the journal Nature reported that the picture has changed for the Antarctic temperature during the warm, "inter-glacial" as has happened on average every 100,000 years.

During that period, which reached its peak 128,000 years ago, called Eemia periods, the temperature in the region, perhaps six degrees Celsius higher today, which is as much as 3 degrees Celsius above previous estimates, according to the study.

The findings showed that the region may be more sensitive than the scientists predicted the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere on average equal to the current level.

During the period Eemia, sea levels higher five-to-seven meters compared to today. (AntaraNews)
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Climate Change Mitigation Scenario

Ministry of Environment (KLH) stated there was a six-step scenario of climate change mitigation as set forth in the Second National Communication report, said Deputy Minister of Environment Masnellyarti Hilman.

In launching the National II's document, in Jakarta, Monday, Masnellyarti Hilman said the mitigation scenarios that are related to forestry planting and reforestation program back to the target 0.7 million hectares per year, planting programs to meet the demand for wood in 2010 with estimates from FAO for 0.3 million-0, 4 million hectares per year.

Further enrichment programs for 0.2 million investment-0, 6 million hectares, illegal logging eradication program for 0.5 million hectares per year in 2000 to zero after 2020.

In addition there are programs that deforestation is assumed to be 75 percent or by 0.65 million hectares per year and planting plants for the energy of 50,000 hectares per year.

KLH as the coordinator of climate change launched Second National Communication report which contains the status data of greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation policies, climate change adaptation at national level.

"As a state peratifikasi climate change convention, Indonesia is obliged to report the status of greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation policies to climate change adaptation in the UNFCCC National Communication document," said Environment Minister Mohammad Gusti Hatta.

According to the Second National Communication document, the 2000 greenhouse gas emissions nationally from the three main greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O) without emissions from land use change (Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry / LULUCF) reached 594,738 gigatonnes of CO2 equivalent ( CO2e).

With LULUCF, the total greenhouse gas emissions nationally increased significantly to 1.415 gigatonnes CO2e.

Sector which contributed greatly to the total greenhouse gas emissions, according to the National Communication II documents, is the land-use change and forests, energy, and waste.

Scope of the second National Communication documents including national conditions, national Grk inventorisasi, steps to implement the conventions, constraints and related funding, technical assistance and capacity needs.(Antara News)
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Height Increasing Greenhouse Gases

Greenhouse gases has reached its highest level since pre-industrial times, so some meteorologists warned on Monday, as quoted by Xinhua news agency.

World Meteorological Organization (WMO), in Geneva, announced, in 2008 the highest increases in greenhouse gases since 1998.

"We want all the decisions are not based on the rumors but the reality, so this is where all the facts," said Michel Jarraud, Secretary General of WMO, which refers to the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December.

WMO Greenhouse Gas Bulletin showing, until 2008, the ratio of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, respectively increased by 38 percent, 157 percent, and 19 percent since pre-industrial period before 1750.

"The meaning of this increase is (Protocol) Kyoto not enough," Jarraud said, "but without Kyoto, it will be even worse". Bulletin revealed that the concentration kloroflurokarbon (CFCs) rise, thanks to the Montreal Protocol on Materials Damage Ozone Layer, which entered into force in 1989, although other gases, halogens, increased rapidly.

"What I know is we can not give up. We must make every effort to achieve the best possible agreement reached in Copenhagen. Important to commit. It is important to reduce the amount of climate change. The longer we delay the decision, the greater the impact," said Jarraud .

WMO, through the Global Atmosphere Watch (Gaw) The program, supervision mengkoordniasikan greenhouse gases in the atmosphere through a network of 200 stations in more than 50 countries. WMO was established in 1950. The organization has 188 member countries and is headquartered in Geneva.(AntaraNews)
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Indonesia Not Have Guide to Climate Change Adaptation

Indonesia does not have a complete guide to the various activities of adaptation to climate change, said Chairman of the Secretariat of the National Council on Climate Change (DNPI) Agus Purnomo.

"We're learning from that area has developed adaptation," said Chairman Agus Purnomo DNPI Secretariat in a seminar in Jakarta on Wednesday.

Agus said, is targeted at the 2010 Indonesia already has a plan that climate change adaptation.

"The biggest problem is about the readiness of various sectors and stakeholders for this adaptation to work together," he said.

Agus acknowledged climate change adaptation is not easy to get into every sector because there still exists a difference of perception about it.

In addition there are several other obstacles, such as budget allocations in each department or agency, and the involvement of regions in Indonesia.

"Adaptation is local because the local urusal who accept climate change impacts and adaptation areas," he said.

Therefore making the national adaptation plans for climate change must involve the region.

According to Agus, making adaptation action plan has been started with meetings of the parties that deal with issues of adaptation and disaster reduction.

Director of Special Region and the Regional Remote Suprayoga Bappenas Hadi said that the government made efforts to mainstream climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction into the continuing development of integrated into development planning system.(AntaraNews)

But the challenge is to align climate change adaptation with disaster risk reduction (DRR) in the development planning process, with reference to the Law 25/2004 on National Development Planning System and Law 24/2007 on Disaster Management.

Suprayogi say, environmental issues and disaster management into national priorities 11 of United Indonesia Cabinet II.

Construction Work Plan (RKP) in 2010 set a priority focus of capacity building and adaptation to climate change mitigation and other natural disasters as one of the focus on national priorities to improve the quality of natural resources management and climate change capacity.

While Heru Santoso of Adaptation Working Group said that adaptation needs to DNPI integrated with poverty alleviation programs and disaster management in development planning sectors.
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Sunday, November 22, 2009

understand the ethical

By observing the development of understanding and application of ethics, both in business organizations, government, and social, for many people it still looks pretty much ambivalent attitude emerged.

On the one hand, they declare themselves as torchbearers of civilization organization (organizational civilization), but on the other hand there are the roles and behaviors exhibited a pulse justify immoral organization.

Organizational ethics, good government organizations, business or social, is applied to the ethics principles that can be grouped as follows: 1) the principle of benefits; 2. principle of human rights and the principles of justice. Ethics applied to the reflection that is based on the value (value-based) that all the time to sue the executives from top echelon supervisors, the indivudual and collectively.

Moral reflection is a central point. In this case a challenge to the ethics "of how organizational behavior is a close question kaitanya with fundamental values in society at large, from center to regions far from the center of the organization, business, government, non-profit social, which focus on rights, justice, equality, benefits, and virtue (rights, justice, equity, utility, and virtue) ".

If it appears ambivalence, because many organizations managed from superiors to subordinates (top-down) and the attitude of view at the top is always right and the obligation only dijajaran implement next-advice advice superiors.

In a business organization, the quest for economic efficiency with a profit motive is the core of management science, while the search for justice and peace / harmony through the management of sensitive and effective in order-value is the management of its core values (bertata-value management). Thus, management techniques not only with mathematical statistics alone but there is order value. These values also apply to the bureaucracy and social actors.

Faced with a moral claim, then for every man seems it is a private matter among civilized society, whether in business or government, and social. Since the small Indonesian man has been educated for moral compliance, the need for harmony, self control, responsibility, thanking parents and others who serve, including those in the lower middle class as well.

So, for the people in this country there are norms that must be internalized within each principal decision makers. Ethical moral sensitivity is often overlooked, then the means must move back to animate the human self. Thus, for them any decision-making, both strategic and operational, which reflects the interaction between the brain and the rational wajiblah ethical sensitivity is intrinsically embedded (built-in) in human beings as members of society that always permeates the size of truth, justice and values.

In the business world, so for them the moral influence of factors not limited to interactions with various stakeholders (stakeholders) and have a good government in the form of leadership in the legal systems attach a transparent policy policy. However, they also must also understand that to achieve success, then a series of policies must be in harmony with natural law (the laws of nature), culture and general human conscience.

The influence of moral or political factors are transparent to the public, especially middle-class fee that is a real sense, without the uncomfortable sense of morality to challenge the bureaucracy, including law enforcement as a public servant.

This is often an issue in everyday life which is as deep as human beings we are aware of the value of humanity (humanity) which means a life in the midst of the busyness of rational / practical, and to live self-contemplation to sue "if the measures and decisions from simple to Strategic taken are correct? ". Such introspection is expected to run regularly without any publicity themselves, or do not egoistic thinking self-image or even a coward even dared not to better themselves ".

With the intention melakoni self-awareness (self-awarness), then we would dare to improve the imbalance in the characters ever, and improve humanity. Increasingly clear that our moral responsibility is not merely imposed from the outside, but must grow independently in terms of personal or organizational members themselves.

So far, there are many observers, bureaucrats and politicians in this country look like a cover-cover themselves with the moral weakness of the beautiful expression of sound that can be interpreted as being "unwilling or dare" to give weight to applied ethics, but in fact only limited sloganistis speech, even humanists do not behave.

In the era of the full dynamics, the human task as self-awareness and capacity are able to begin returning to manage personal, household cleaning, organization, and even the state and nation.

All parties would need to equip themselves with necessary knowledge on an ongoing basis. The attitude of this simple view without the pressure of the pressure which is too complicated theory, which if dilakoni will build the moral self-consciousness.

Conversely, for someone who prioritizes ethical relativism, where the size and criteria for good-bad ", fair, not fair, honest-dishonest, it is often a personal measure of self-righteousness.

Berabjak of some of this, we all feel that the ethics is the ethical demands of human dignity and deserve no cut-cut or postponed to justify unfair and immoral to its neighbor. There are norms that must be continuously internalized in any decision-making process. Moral sensitivity ethical (moral ethical sensitivity) that need to keep animating human behavior.

In the East or Asia, makamasyarakatnya humanities should have self-awareness, which means a life in contemplation of humility (humble contemplation), and always test the feelings by asking ourselves whether the series made the right decision or not.

Introspection becomes a challenge to "Do not think of ourselves" or "do not be a coward with ethical relativism". Sue herself is a necessity also, because someone in the hustle and bustle of everyday life easily disoriented person recognize ethical.

To give the weight of humanity, Eastern or Asian people also know a lot of learning prasyaratbaku (study and learning), and not show the rigidity of classical learning spread just like discourse, but the study group and a serious contemplation on a regular basis. (Bob Widyahartono M.A.)
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KTT Discuss Climate Change

At 7 to 18 December 2009, will be held the annual conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change (Conference of Parties The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change / UNFCCC COP) or the Climate Change Summit.

Annual conference of the 15 time it was held since the conference that begins at the Earth Summit in Rio De Jeneiro in 1992.

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC or FCCC) is an international treaty on the environment that produced the Earth Summit in Rio De Jeneiro in June 1992. UNFCCC was established with the aim to mestabilkan house gas concentrations in the atmosphere akca at a level that would prevent dangerous human life because of the influence of the climate system.

UNFCCC set the limitation of greenhouse gas emissions individually and without the state law enforcement mechanisms, therefore, this agreement is not binding on the basis of consensus.

UNFCCC out the principles of emissions limitation obligations that are named Kyoto Protocol.

The Kyoto Protocol itself was opened for signature on May 9, 1992 after negotiations between the Government of the Committee to produce the Framework Convention text as a report from a meeting in New York on April 30 to May 9, 1992. And until October 2009, 192 countries have ratified it.

One task is to publish an inventory of greenhouse gases each country for the emission and removal of the basic reference Grk Grk levels in 1990 as an addition to Annex-1 countries of the Kyoto Protocol and the commitment of these countries to reduce the Grk.

UNFCCC Secretariat is located in Haus Carstanjen, Bonn, Germany to head the secretariat since 2006 are held by Yvo de Boer. UNFCCC Secretariat together with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change / IPCC), trying to gain consensus through meetings and discussions neighbor various strategic matters.

The parties of the convention's annual meetings from 1995 to assess progress in dealing with climate change. In 1997, successfully concluded the Kyoto Protocol obligations and to issue legally binding for the developed countries reduce their emissions Grk.

The parties to the UNFCCC are split into three countries namely Annex-I countries and industrial countries, the countries Annex-II and developing country-specific.

State-Annex-I countries that have ratified the Kyoto Protocol commit to reduce emission levels below the target Grk with Grk emission levels in 1990. Pelaksanannya can be extended with the permitted emission embli or exchange mreka Grk emission levels through the mechanism agreed by all parties to the UNFCCC.

Annex-II is a sub group of Annex-I countries consisting of members of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), including countries that economic conditions are in transition in 1992.

While developing countries are not obliged to reduce levels of emissions unless Annex-I countries support the funding and technology, but developing countries could be included in Annex-I countries on a voluntary basis if the conditions are already developed country.

Grk emission reduction obligations were governed by three goals is to avoid restrictions on growth because emissions are closely related to the industrial capacity of individual countries, Annex-I countries can sell emissions credits to countries that have operators to Grk emissions for countries that are difficult to meet reduction targets Grk emissions and developing countries could obtain funding and technology transfer to low-carbon investment.

Some of the members of the UNFCCC parties argued that the separation between Annex I and non-Annex-I tidka fair, and each country must reduce simultaneously emissions levels Grk.

Some countries also claim that the implementation of emission reduction targets will Grk country's pressing economic growth, and even U.S. President George W Bush has asked the U.S. Senate has not ratified lo Kyoto Protocol.

There are 40 countries included in Annex I or industrialized countries namely Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech, Danish, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States

While the countries of Annex-II, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Danish, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland , United Kingdom, United States of America Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland , United Kingdom, the United States.

Rio to Copenhagen
After the Earth Summit in Rio De Jeneiro, then regularly every year Climate Change Summit was held, beginning in 1995 COP 1 in Berlin, Germany,

First the UNFCCC Conference of Parties happen in the spring of 1995 in Berlin, Germany. At the conference raised concerns about the ability of the state `ability to meet commitments under the Convention set forth in the" Berlin Mandate ".

The second Climate Change Summit digela in Geneva, Switzerland in July 1996, with important results of United accepting the scientific findings on climate change from the IPCC in the second assessment (1995), and refused to uniform alignment of policies and called for legally binding mid-term targets.

In the third Climate Change Summit in Kyoto, Japan, established the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change after intensive negotiations. Most industrialized countries and parts of Europe as an economic transition countries (Annex II countries) agreed to legally binding reductions of greenhouse gas emissions an average of 6 to 8% below 1990 levels between the years 2008-2012, which is defined as the first emissions budget period.

As for the fourth Summit on Climate Change in 1988 in Buenos Aires, Mexico with menyelesaikn agenda issues remaining in Kyoto, while the fifth Summit on Climate Change held in Bonn, Germany in November 1999.

Climate Change Summit was held in the fifth Hague, Netherlands in November 2000, while the sixth Summit on Climate Change held in Bonn, Germany in July 2001 which produced an agreement between the other flexible mechanisms for joint implementation of emissions trading and clean development mechanism (CDM).

Seventh Climate Change Summit held in Morocco in October-November 2001, with another between the decision of the operational rules of carbon trading among pihdak in the protocol.

Next Climate Change Summit was held the eighth in New Delhi, India in October-November 2002, and the ninth summit on Climate Change in Milan, Italy in December 2003, then resumed the tenth Summit of Climate Change in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 6-17 December 2004, and the summit Changes Climate eleventh in Montreal, Canada in November-December 2005.

Twelve Climate Change Summit held in Nairobi, Kenya on November 6 to 17, 2006, while the thirteenth Climate Change Summit held in Bali, Indonesia on December 3 to 15, 2007 with the Bali Action Plan that contains the time and structured negotiations post-2012 framework (Protocol replacement Kyoto).

While Climate Change Summit at the fourteenth degree in Poznań, Poland, where the delegates agreed on the principles of financing for funds to help poor countries cope with climate change impacts, while the Climate Change Summit 15th will be held in Copenhagen in December 2009 Danish.

Climate Change Summit 15th with the main agenda to establish an ambitious global climate agreement for the period from 2012 when the first commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol expires
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Friday, November 20, 2009

Sick Leave Heart Walk

Jakarta - Walking slowly may not only mean that people arrive at their destination longer but it also claimed victims of human health, according to findings of a study in France.

Scientists from the medical research institute based in Paris, Inserm, found that people who are older and slow almost three times more likely to die of heart disease and other related causes compared with those older and run faster.

"The main message for the general population is to maintain fitness in old age may have important consequences and help preserve life and function of muscle," said researcher Alexis Elbaz, Inserm Director of Research, told Reuters Health.

He said the study, published in the journal BMJ, has also shown that people walking speed tests may be used to check the health of elderly patients.

Several previous studies have linked the slow people walking with an increased risk of dying during a given period, and with other results of poor health, but did not show whether it is a heart disease or other causes responsible for the greater risk it.

Studies for five years, part of the Three Cities Study, which was conducted by Inserm, involving more than 3,200 men and women who are relatively healthy and aged 65 to 85 years. They lived in three cities in France.

At the beginning of the study in 1999, the scientists assess the health of each participant and calculated the speed of the participants as they walked in the corridor as quickly as possible.

Over the next five years, 209 participants died - 99 percent of cancer, 59 due to heart disease, and 53 due to infectious diseases and other causes - and the overall mortality rate of almost 7 percent.

The death rate among one third of participants who walked at the latest, a man who walked with about 3.4 miles per hour or even slower and women who walked about three miles per hour or slower, 44 perser is higher than in the two-thirds of participants who have run faster.

Deaths from heart attacks, strokes and other related causes was 2.9 times more common among third of participants who walked at least compared with participants who run the fastest.

The increase in mortality due to heart disease seen in men and women and not related to the age of the participants or how they are physically active.

The researchers found no link between walking speed and other causes of death, including cancer.

What explains the connection between slow and deaths from heart disease?

Elbaz says one possibility is that the same risk factors that increase the risk of heart disease - high blood pressure and diabetes - also resulted in "silent stroke", which makes people difficult to walk fast. The idea was "worthy of study followed by a further confirms it", he said.
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